Practice Tests
After studying and gathering all of the necessary knowledge, it's time to test your knowledge and get a feel of the exam format before taking the real exam. With our exam simulator, you can assess your knowledge and identify any areas for improvement. There are 500+ questions in the question bank and you can take unlimited practice tests. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and take the below practice tests right now.
LEED Green Associate Practice Test
Unlimited full-exam practice tests
500+ questions
Mock exam simulator similar to the actual Exam simulator
Access available for 1 / 2 / 3 months as per requirement
1 Month access - 1,200 INR (USD 30)
2 Month access - 2,400 INR (USD 45)
3 Month access - 3,000 INR (USD 65)
LEED AP BD+C Practice Test
Unlimited full-exam practice tests
500+ questions
Mock exam simulator similar to the actual Exam simulator
Access available for 1 / 2 / 3 months as per requirement
1 Month access - 1,500 INR (USD 40)
2 Month access - 2,800 INR (USD 55)
3 Month access - 3,500 INR (USD 75)